
WrenchWay Blog2023-02-21T13:04:50-05:00

Implementing a Successful Onboarding Program ft. Seth Thorson, Eurotech Automotive Repair

Episode Description In this week’s episode of Beyond the Wrench, we are joined by Seth Thorson, President, Eurotech Automotive Repair to learn how to build a successful onboarding program. Most shops have an onboarding program in place, but aren't always doing it correctly. Seth explains how he implements an onboarding

Beyond the Wrench|

The Importance of Video for Recruiting Technicians, ft. Fred Gestwicki Jr, Fix-It With Fred

The research around the importance of using video for recruiting is insurmountable. A few things to consider: Video content on social media gets 1200% more shares than text and image content (G2Crowd). Job posts with videos get 800% more engagement (Talentlyft). People spend 2.6 times longer on pages that contain

How Phillip Found a New Technician Job Using Reverse Job Posts

Finding a job as a technician is overwhelming. Nearly every shop is hiring for techs, and all their job postings look the same. Trying to comb through the hundreds of job posts, determine which shop is actually worth applying to, and updating/sending a resume to each is extremely time-consuming. Despite

Success Stories|

Technician Spotlight Series: Brandon S.

This article is part of an ongoing series to highlight and promote the technician career — demonstrating to kids, parents, and teachers how becoming a technician is a rewarding career path that can be lucrative and open the door to many opportunities within the industry. Are you a technician who

Industry Spotlights|

Instructor Spotlight Series: Donnie Smith

This article is part of an ongoing series to highlight instructors in the automotive and diesel industries and promote the technician career. Are you an instructor who wants to be spotlighted? Sign up! Instructor Spotlight: Donnie Smith Name: Donnie Smith School: Bollman Technical Education Center Experience: 16 years as an

Industry Spotlights|

Why One Technician Changed Shops ft. Zach Espinosa, Automotive Technician

Episode Description In this week’s episode of Beyond the Wrench, we are joined by Zach Espinosa, Automotive Technician, Honda. We are discussing the main reason Zach left his former shop, the opportunities presented to him by his new employer, the different pay structures between the two shops, and more! Watch

Beyond the Wrench|

Why Shops & Dealerships Should Put Salary in Technician Job Postings

Writing an automotive technician job posting that entices candidates to apply is no easy task. Often times, one of the biggest sticking points for many shops and dealerships wanting to hire technicians is, “Should I include salary in technician job postings?” The quick answer: Absolutely. Shops Not Posting Salary Range

Technician Recruiting|

Creative Ways Shops Can Engage Students, ft. Christen Battaglia, WrenchWay

Episode Description In this week’s episode of Beyond the Wrench, we are joined by Christen Battaglia, Director of Strategic Partnerships, WrenchWay to discuss creative ways to engage students. We are talking about how to stand out to students in the industry, how to connect with students, and educating parents on

Beyond the Wrench|

TechMission 2021 Recap: Keeping Technicians in the Industry

We recently hosted our second annual TechMission event, and it was a HUGE success, to say the least! We had a great two days filled with eight sessions, 24 industry experts, 12 sponsors, and nearly 1,500 registrants. The theme of this year’s event was “Keeping Technicians in the Industry.” With

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