Shop Talk
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How do you feel about flat rate vs. hourly pay in a shop?
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What do you look for from a facility you are interested in?
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Crossroads Cars at AC Reynolds HS
Crossroads cars stopped by the school today to touch base with us and share some information with our students.
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What's Happening in March
Well, we its March and we are well into the 3rd Quarter here at Robert H Gibson Technical School. My senior class is currently learning engine mechanical repair and engine performance. While the Junior Class is do hands on Tire mounting and Balancing practice along with learning brake systems in the classroom.
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Toyota of Corvallis is on WrenchWay! Technicians, Apply Today!
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If you could upgrade one shop tool, what would it be?
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Happy belated birthday to Technician; Kassie Kapelinski!
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Technicians – The Power of Routine Oil Changes!
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How important is it to have someone at work whom you would consider a mentor?
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How important is it to have someone at work whom you would consider a mentor?
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How important is it to have someone at work whom you would consider a mentor?
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How important is it to have someone at your workplace whom you would consider a mentor?
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Big thanks to everyone who submitted their pay information to WrenchWay & ASE’s Technician Pay Tool! 🎉 A special congratulations to the three lucky winners of our Milwaukee Tool giveaway:
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Say hello to our team.
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