Here at WrenchWay, we are always working to think of new and creative ways to share the knowledge, skill level, and hard work it takes to be an automotive technician. This is why we started our technicians spotlight series. These articles are part of an ongoing series to highlight and promote the technician career — demonstrating to kids, parents, and teachers how becoming a technician is a rewarding career path that can be lucrative and open the door to many opportunities within the industry.

Location: Denver, Colorado
Experience: 20 Years
Job Title: Master Mechanic, Adams 12 School District

We had the opportunity to sit down with Shawn R., Master Mechanic, Adams 12 School District, to get his insight on why he joined the automotive industry, the skills he’s learned as a technician, and advice to young students looking to join the industry.

Shawn’s Story

From a young age, Shawn knew becoming an automotive technician was for him. Shawn’s passion for the industry came from his father. Growing up, Shawn’s dad worked as an automotive technician and was a huge influence on him. His dad was someone he admired and looked up to from a young age.

“He [Shawn’s dad] was always somebody I looked up to a lot, and we were always very close so it was a pretty easy step to follow his footsteps, and that’s what got me into it and interested in being a mechanic.”
Shawn R., Master Mechanic

In his spare time, Shawn’s dad would do a lot of side work on the weekends. Shawn loved spending time with his dad and would help by grabbing tools, holding parts, and getting involved as much as he could.

Knowledge from the Industry

Shawn believes the skills you learn in the automotive industry are unmatched. Patience is one of the biggest skills he’s learned. When starting out, this can be a hard industry to keep up with, so patience is key.

Attention to detail is another critical skill. As a technician, you want to make sure everything is perfect before giving a car back to a customer. This is not a passive industry where you “kind of like” working on cars. This is an industry that takes a lot of dedication, time, and effort.

“Education in this industry is invaluable. If you’re not getting educated and continuing your education, you’ll fall behind in a very short amount of time.”
Shawn R., Master Mechanic

As an automotive technician, you’re constantly learning and taking classes because the industry is changing at a rapid pace. Keeping up on training is the number one priority. Shawn does a lot of training online, which has been very helpful for staying up-to-date on different training opportunities.

Favorite Things About the Industry

Shawn’s favorite thing about being an automotive technician is understanding how things work. He likes comprehending how different sciences come into play, and having a good understanding of how to make a system better or how to repair something.

“Mechanics tend to be their own kind of people. They are very unique compared to other industries for sure.”
Shawn R., Master Mechanic

Advice to Young Technicians

Shawn believes it is crucial for young techs to learn as much as they can from senior techs in the shop. Young technicians can learn a lot from going to school, but the knowledge from a master technician who’s been in the industry for over 10 years is unmatched to any textbook.

“I’m fortunate enough, even after 20 years, to work with guys that have been here for over 30 years. They have a lot of knowledge that just takes so long for you to pick up yourself.”
Shawn R., Master Mechanic

Watch the Full Interview

Technician Spotlight Series: Shawn R.