Here at WrenchWay, we are always working to think of new and creative ways to share the knowledge, skill level, and hard work it takes to be a technician. This is why we started our technician spotlight series. These articles are part of an ongoing series to highlight and promote the technician career — demonstrating to kids, parents, and teachers how becoming a technician is a rewarding career path that can be lucrative and open the door to many opportunities within the industry.

Location: Pueblo, CO
Experience: 4 years
Job Title: Automotive Technician Apprentice, Legend Auto Care

We had the opportunity to sit down with Heather K., Automotive Technician Apprentice, Legend Auto Care to talk about her experience as a woman in the automotive industry, and the advice she would give to women looking to join the industry.

Heather’s Story

Heather has always had a love for cars. Growing up, she would go to car meets and loved to wrench. A few years ago, she bought an old BMW and fixed it up. Working on her BMW gave her the jump-start and motivation she needed to join the automotive industry.

Heather started her career in the automotive industry, working as an office administrator at a collision shop. Heather then moved to Colorado and joined the automotive program at her local community college and got a job at BMW. Even though she really enjoyed working at BMW, she decided she needed a change.

Now, Heather has the amazing opportunity to work at a custom speed shop where she gets to work on American classics, muscle cars, BMWs, and Euros.

It’s an awesome opportunity to learn a lot of custom work and work towards the career path I want to follow.
Heather K., Automotive Technician Apprentice, Legend Auto Care

Passion for the Automotive Industry

Heather’s favorite thing about being a technician is being able to work on a variety of vehicles every day. She loves being able to drive and admire the amazing cars that come into the shop.

Heather really enjoys being able to learn new aspects of different car manufacturers, makes, and models. She loves the thrill of always learning something new, and the automotive industry is constantly keeping her on her toes.

Where I’m at now, my favorite thing is being able to learn something new every day.
Heather K., Automotive Technician Apprentice, Legend Auto Care

Being a Woman in the Automotive Industry

Heather’s experience in the automotive industry hasn’t always been easy. She’s worked a few positions where she felt overlooked for the simple fact of being a female.

However, Heather wants women to know there are shops out there that want to help women grow in the industry. She believes women fit well in the automotive industry because they have smaller hands and high attention to detail.

As a female, people want to help you out more or are willing to give you a chance because they feel it’s awesome being a female in the industry.
Heather K., Automotive Technician Apprentice, Legend Auto Care

Advice to Women Joining the Automotive Industry

When Heather was in school, she was the only girl in her class. Being surrounded by male peers, she sometimes felt singled out or alone. However, that was also empowering for her. It pushed her to be the best version of herself and to do better than all the boys in her class.

Heather would tell women joining the automotive industry to never give up and keep pushing toward their dreams because there are shops out there that are going to give them a chance in this industry.

Never give up and never stop asking questions. I’m super excited to see where the industry takes me.
Heather K., Automotive Technician Apprentice, Legend Auto Care

Watch the Full Interview

 Technician Spotlight Series: Heather K.