Many instructors face a lot of hurdles running a successful auto program. These programs are expensive, are being eliminated due to high costs, and often lack understanding and support from school administrators. For these reasons (and more), auto and diesel programs are most impactful when they receive support from surrounding shops and businesses in the industry.

In this article, learn about the impact businesses in Madison, WI have had on Vel Phillips (VP) Memorial High School’s auto program by offering them additional support.

WrenchWay: Connecting Schools with Local Shops

Turning to Local Shops & Dealerships for Support

Managing industry relationships and making progress in ongoing advisory meetings was a struggle for VP Memorial High School’s auto instructor, Miles Tokheim. Tokheim was short on time and felt pressure to keep his program and students up-to-date with industry changes while also trying to secure additional support from his school administrators and decision-makers. The reality of programs being cut in surrounding districts added to the stress.

Tokheim needed representatives from local shops and dealerships to attend his advisory committee meetings and explain to school administrators the importance and impact high school auto programs have on the local auto community.

Madison Area Businesses Step Up to Help VP Memorial High School

Seeing the VP Memorial program struggle was not something Madison area businesses were going to let happen.

Several Madison shops stepped up where they could. Smart Motors Toyota, West Town Monona Tire, Zimbrick Porsche, Kriete Truck Centers, and Lakeside International all stepped up to donate engines and vehicles, offer technician time, and give informational presentations to students.

In addition to receiving support from local shops and dealerships, Jay Goninen, WrenchWay’s Co-Founder & President, stepped in to help Tokheim navigate advisory committee meetings.

With some minor fixes, VP Memorial has seen firsthand the impact advisory support can have when it comes to gaining respect from school administrators.

“When business people ask my principal to come to a meeting, and there are going to be 10 other business people there, they’ll show up and it’s super impactful.”

Mile Tokheim, Auto Instructor, Vel Phillips Memorial High School

All of this local industry support has been crucial in keeping the VP Memorial auto program alive, effective, and growing.

Streamlining Educational Partnerships Communication Through WrenchWay School Assist

Communication is key when fostering educational partnerships. Tokheim has been able to streamline communication with local area shops and dealerships by utilizing WrenchWay School Assist.

WrenchWay School Assist makes it easy for instructors to keep businesses up-to-date with what’s going on in their program and ask for support.

Tokheim has appreciated support from WrenchWay explaining, “We get so busy. One helpful thing this year was the WrenchWay schools team sending us a quick form to fill out with our needs and requests with a due date. I put it on the calendar and got it done.”

While instructors can login to their WrenchWay accounts at any time and post a program update or request for resources, the WrenchWay team alternatively also allows instructors to fill out a quick form and send it to them to make the updates.

Next Up: Educating Students on How They Can Use WrenchWay

Thanks to the support from local businesses, Tokheim can now turn his attention to helping his students secure internships and part-time work through WrenchWay.

In the past, Tokheim has had to be the middleman between students and businesses. Now, with WrenchWay, Tokheim can cut himself out as the middleman and teach his students how to connect with local shops and dealerships.

Next school year, Tokheim has plans to have students create their own WrenchWay accounts, and show them how to use WrenchWay to research local employers and apply to open internships and positions.

Community Support & Innovative Tools Drive Program Success

Thanks to the unwavering support from Madison area businesses and the streamlined communication facilitated by WrenchWay School Assist, VP Memorial High School’s auto program is not only surviving but thriving.

The proactive involvement of local shops and dealerships has been instrumental in securing the program’s future and enhancing its impact on students. With these strong community partnerships and innovative tools in place, Tokheim can now focus on empowering his students to take charge of their own career paths. As the new school year approaches, the auto program at VP Memorial is well-positioned for continued success and growth.

Want More Industry Support for Your Skilled Trades Program?

WrenchWay School Assist is free for schools to use!

Create a free account to connect with over 1,000 shops and dealerships across the country. Plus, you’ll get instant access to various guides and resources to help instructors better prepare students for industry.