WrenchWay offers some great free resources to help automotive, diesel, and CTE instructors build relationships with and get more support from local shops and dealerships.

But, we also have tons of free resources for auto, diesel, and CTE students that instructors can share with their students or use to enhance the classroom experience and better prepare students for industry. Even if students aren’t sure about a career in auto or diesel, this content can help give them a better picture of what it is like working in the industry.

Oftentimes, as an instructor, you are a middleman between your students and the industry. But as you know, you won’t always be there to guide your students. WrenchWay helps by giving your students a direct link to the industry—allowing them to weigh in on industry discussions and polls, compare shops, look for work, and start career planning.

“A student’s ability to find and land the ‘right’ job is oftentimes limited to which shops show up at the career fair or are known to them in some way. They never learn how to evaluate an opportunity and focus on the shops that will meet their goals. WrenchWay eliminates this problem by showing what it’s really like to work at Top Shops, and by arming teachers with assignments and guides to encourage students to practice the career planning, networking, and job search skills they will use over and over again in their career.”

Lisa Joseph, Director of School & Technician Services, WrenchWay

Educational Resources for Automotive, Diesel, & CTE Students

Top Shop Pages

Top Shop pages are where students can see photos, videos, and frequently asked questions about a shop like compensation, benefits, work environment, and more before they apply.

Top Shop pages are an easy way for students to compare different shops. As an instructor, these pages can help you provide insight on what students should consider when searching for their first “real job” (i.e., pay, benefits, career development, etc.).

“I use WrenchWay in my service management class to give the students a rundown of how to navigate the website and show them Top Shop pages. It is a great website to give students an idea of what to expect when they look for jobs. WrenchWay is a great resource for gathering valuable information about shops from shop layout to expected pay. The transparency of businesses is what we need to see our industry grow!”

Edward Burdett, Automotive Instructor, Madison College

Join the WrenchWay Community

WrenchWay Shop Talk

Shop Talk is like an online community just for the automotive and diesel community. Students can interact with shops, technicians, schools, and other industry professionals—helping them keep a pulse on local and national industry happenings.

In addition, whenever students answer poll questions on Shop Talk, they automatically get entered in a monthly drawing to win $1,000 ($500 for them and $500 to the high school auto/diesel/CTE program of their choice).

WrenchWay Mobile App

WrenchWay’s free mobile app makes all the great tools we offer on our website easily accessible on mobile. From finding jobs, exploring salaries, and interacting with our online community—it’s all available on the one thing students’ can’t stop staring at… their phones!

Webinars & Roundtables

Access virtual events covering topics from flat rate to tools and more—providing a real-life look into being a technician and shop owner. Have your students watch a recording and give an assignment asking a few things they learned. Or, just share for them to watch on their own time!

“Just wanted to let everyone at WrenchWay know how much you have helped me as a second-year teacher. You all have helped me with teaching these kids well beyond how to do an oil change and change a flat tire. The webinar was a great resource today too! Thank you for all of your hard work and the time you put into everything you do!”

Richard Wakefield, Instructor, Sanford-Fritch High School

Technician Pay Tool

Students can explore salaries of 3,000+ technicians across the U.S. on WrenchWay’s new Technician Pay Tool. They can filter and compare by industry, shop type, location, and experience level. This is also a great tool to share with parents, as it shares an accurate picture of the earning potential of technicians.

Beyond the Wrench Podcast

Every week, Jay Goninen, Co-Founder & President of WrenchWay, interviews industry professionals to share their stories, experiences, and insights. This podcast is perfect for playing in your classroom during work times. Students and instructors can stream the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Check Out Our Latest Episodes


From Advice for New Technicians from Experienced Auto & Diesel Technicians to the Best Tools to Equip New Technicians for Entry-Level Work, WrenchWay posts new articles every week for technicians with any level of experience. Try selecting an article for your students to read, and facilitate a class discussion about it!

Industry Statistics & Reports

Take a look at actual statistics collected by surveying technicians in our industry. WrenchWay gathers useful data that you can share with your students to give them inside insights into what technicians love about working in the industry and where improvements can be made.

Here are some of our most recent statistics and reports:

Share WrenchWay with Your Students

Set your students up with a pulse on the industry, a place to go to gather accurate data, and even look for employment opportunities—all on their own with WrenchWay!

Students can create a free account at wrenchway.com/signup or download the WrenchWay Mobile App to get started!

WrenchWay: Connecting Schools with Local Shops