To stay competitive during the technician shortage, recruiters and shop managers need to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and insights in regards to technician recruiting.

We’ve made it real easy for you by compiling 39 compelling stats that we gathered from our latest Voice of Technician Survey and WrenchWay Shop Talk polls.

Technician Hiring & Recruiting Stats

  • Studies have shown January is the most popular month for people to look for new jobs. 41% of technicians agreed saying that they were either casually or actively looking into new opportunities.
  • 71% of technicians check out a potential employer’s social media pages.
  • 100% of technicians feel it is somewhat or extremely important for employers to include compensation in their job postings. 36% of technicians won’t even consider applying if the compensation isn’t listed.
  • 64% of technicians say their shop does not implement strategies for hiring military veterans.
  • 60% of technicians said their shop does not pay to move toolboxes for new employees.
  • 54% of technicians said their shop will not hire workers under the age of 18.
  • 33% of technicians agree that the biggest red flag for them when interviewing with a shop is if the answers all seem too good to be true. 28% of technicians agree the biggest red flag is when shops give inconsistent answers or dodge questions.
  • 75% of technicians think they should wear business casual attire to a job interview while 25% think casual attire is acceptable.
  • 49% of technicians are willing to commute 30-59 minutes to work at the perfect shop.
  • 67% of technicians think it’s somewhat or extremely important for the shop they work for to give back to their local community (i.e., volunteering, donations, etc.).
  • When looking for work, 85% of technicians agree it is important for shops to allow them to work on their own vehicles in the shop.

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Industry Stats

  • 56% of technicians agree that electric vehicles are going to be the biggest industry disruptor in 2024.
  • 54% of technicians are slightly happy or not at all happy about the shift to electric vehicles.
  • 74% of technicians agree that the public’s perception of technician careers is not improving.
  • Only 21% of technicians would recommend the industry to a friend.
  • 32% of technicians say the most important issue the industry needs to address is shops need to pay for tools or provide an adequate tool allowance.

Technician Pay & Benefits Stats

  • 71% of technicians would prefer higher paychecks throughout the year over an end-of-year bonus.
  • 37% of technicians would prefer a pay structure that is hourly with a production bonus.
  • Only 19% of technicians prefer a flat rate pay structure.
  • 63% of technicians think their shop provides good benefits.
  • 66% of technicians think their shop provides fair compensation.
  • 52% of technicians said their shop will pay for ASE certifications as long as they pass. 32% of technicians said their shop will pay for their ASE certifications whether they pass or fail.
  • 86% of technicians agree it is important or very important for shops to offer flexible scheduling.
  • 30% of technicians do not want to work weekends.
  • 29% of technicians would prefer working 4 days, 10 hours per day vs. 22% who would prefer to work 5 days, 8 hours per day.

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Technician Job Satisfaction Stats

  • 80% of technicians find annual performance reviews somewhat or very helpful.
  • 57% of technicians are satisfied with their current work-life balance.
  • 42% of technicians have considered becoming an instructor.
  • 88% of technicians have considered leaving the industry.
  • 61% of technicians would recommend their place of employment to a friend.
  • 58% of technicians feel valued and respected by management.

Technician Work Environment Stats

  • 43% of technicians feel at least some pressure to buy higher end tools from bigger tool brands.
  • 33% of technicians listen to country music while working in the shop followed by 22% that are listening to metal music.
  • 60% of technicians say their shop doesn’t have a mentorship program.
  • 52% of technicians have experienced 1-2 injuries in the shop.
  • 47% of technicians are not required to wear safety glasses in the shop.
  • 55% of technicians polled said there are zero female technicians that work in their shop.
  • 30% of technicians meet with their manager one-on-one weekly. 30% never meet one-on-one with their manager.

2024 Automotive & Diesel Technician Statistics Infographic

Various auto and diesel mechanic facts in an infographic image