1. You take offense at being called a mechanic.
2. You mistake grease for mold on your sandwich.
3. You tell a random stranger to stop clicking the gas pump or they will damage their evap system.
4. You wash your hands BEFORE using the restroom.
5. You are walking into a store and a vehicle drives past you, and you know the engine, the exhaust system, and that it is running out of time.
6. Your customer cars leave pristine, but your own car is a rolling mechanical dumpster fire.
7. You carry a code reader to check what that random light means, and then ignore 90% of them.
8. You’ve bought cars a customer decided to scrap rather than fix, repaired them, and used them for your (or a family member’s) daily driver.
9. Your tool box and its contents are the nicest things you own.
10. You stir your coffee with a screwdriver.
11. You can smell a car and know what’s wrong with it.
12. You cringe when someone tells you what kind of car they bought because you know the issues on that particular model.
13. You’re watching your kid’s baseball game and a half dozen people come to ask you about problems they are having with their car.
Editor’s Note: These answers were submitted to us through our technician community on LinkedIn and WrenchWay Shop Talk. This content is intended solely for entertainment purposes.