Honda and Toyota of Seattle have been long-time clients of WrenchWay, and over the years, the partnership has evolved into a friendship. You may have come across their content on WrenchWay Shop Talk or even seen their team speak at our events. Overall, we have really enjoyed helping Honda and Toyota of Seattle show off their amazing culture, connect with schools, and recruit technicians differently—all on WrenchWay.

Our team recently had a conversation with Melissa Miller, Chief Operating Officer, and General Manager of both Honda of Seattle and Toyota of Seattle, about the positive impact WrenchWay has had on their shops.

Here’s how the conversation unfolded.

Q&A With Melissa Miller, Chief Operating Officer & General Manager, Honda of Seattle and Toyota of Seattle

Valerie Klein: How did you first hear of WrenchWay and what motivated your shop to sign up?

Melissa Miller: We heard about WrenchWay at SPPG (Service and Parts Performance Group) for the Toyota Portland region. We are always open to trying new things and our store’s goal has always been to hire new, younger technicians that are interested in the industry.

VK: How has your experience been working with WrenchWay?

MM: Our experience has been amazing! WrenchWay has helped us grow our shop and allowed us to reach out to the Seattle School District to get more exposure. It has also helped us get out of our comfort zone by making videos and posting more photos of things happening around the dealerships.

WrenchWay: A Better Way to Hire Technicians

VK: Could you highlight some key milestones or achievements you’ve reached with the help of WrenchWay?

MM: WrenchWay has helped us fully staff our shop for both Honda and Toyota! Not to mention, our WrenchWay page was featured by the Toyota Portland Region among the 72 other dealers in the region.

VK: Would you recommend WrenchWay to other shops and dealerships?

MM: Absolutely! The more shops and dealerships that utilize this platform [WrenchWay], the better it will be for the industry as a whole.

VK: You’re currently using WrenchWay School Assist. Can you talk about growing the next generation and describe some things your organization does with schools?

MM: We’ve been hosting school tours, attending career fairs, presenting in classes, and attending panels. Growing the next generation is the most important thing for the industry. This is a dying trade that does not have enough focus from the industry as a whole.

VK: We believe one reason your organization is so successful in recruiting and retaining technicians is because you make it a priority from the top. Can you describe how ownership got so involved to make it a priority?

MM: As a leadership team, we believe the best policy for success is “all hands on deck.” Our team is heavily involved in all areas of the dealership, whether it be recruiting, continuous training, or day-to-day operations.

VK: What do you wish more shops and dealerships did to help move the industry forward?

MM: To move the industry forward, shops need to be more involved with schools, give more opportunity for growth within the company, be more open-minded, and embrace change.

VK: Is there anything else you’d like to add or share about your experience with WrenchWay?

MM: We have recurring meetings with WrenchWay to help ensure we’re on track with what we need to accomplish with our page. These check-ins are super helpful, even if we’re meeting to confirm nothing new needs to happen.