Originally published on VehicleServicePros.com
Here at WrenchWay, we’ve seen so many instances where shops are struggling to get their job postings in front of technicians. With the technician shortage, you want to ensure that your job posting is leaving a solid first impression on technicians. Unfortunately, what we see is the majority of technician job postings are subpar at best.
WrenchWay has recognized these problems, and filled in some of the gaps with our top shop pages, but below are some reasons why your technician job posting may not be getting a lot of applicants.
Why Technicians Don’t Like Your Job Posting
1. Your technician job post looks like every other shop’s job posting.
You don’t want your job post to get lost in the clutter of every other shop on a job board. Due to the high demand of technicians, just about every shop is hiring and all their job postings tend to look the same.
Technicians don’t want to look through pages and pages of job postings that look the same. It becomes very time consuming, frustrating, and confusing to know which shop is the perfect fit for them. You want to ensure that you are providing all the important information that technicians actually care about so that your job post stands out from competitors.

In the picture above, when you search technicians in the Chicago area there are 1,073 results. No one has the time to look through nearly 1,100 job postings
2. There isn’t enough information included in your technician job post.
All the information included in your job post should be information that technicians are going to actually care about. Technicians don’t want to read through paragraphs of useless information that doesn’t relate to the shop or the job description. Right now, a majority of highly qualified technicians are already employed. If they are taking off work for an interview, you want to ensure that it is worth your and their time.
Some things that should be in your technician job post include:
- Compensation – Structure, base pay, incentives, etc.
- Benefits – Providers, coverage, amount of PTO, etc.
- Work environment – Shifts, parts ordering process, team size, etc.
- Career development – Paid trainings, mentorships, community involvement, etc.
- Hiring process – Pre-screening tests, skills assessments, length of hiring process, etc.
- Photos – Photos of the actual area where techs will be working, not just the areas customers see
- Videos – Authentic, not overly-produced videos, such as having employees talk about why they like working for your shop, having the service manager walk through a day in the life of a tech at your shop, etc.
3. There is no way for technicians to ask the shop questions about their job posting, unless they take the time to apply.
Not every job post a technician sees on a job board is going to be the perfect fit for them. Every technician is looking for something different when looking for a shop. The problem is job boards don’t have a way for technicians to ask shop questions BEFORE they apply and go through the interview process. In this scenario, if the shop turns out not to be a good fit, then it’s a big waste of time for the technician and the shop.