Finding a job as a technician is overwhelming. Nearly every shop is hiring for techs, and all their job postings look the same. Trying to comb through the hundreds of job posts, determine which shop is actually worth applying to, and updating/sending a resume to each is extremely time-consuming.
Despite the pain of looking for a new job, Phillip, a Technician from Barnesville, GA, knew it was time for him to move on and find a new opportunity. That’s when he came across Reverse Job Posts on the free WrenchWay mobile app, and was able to save himself a whole lot of time in the job search process, and even find his new position. Learn more about his experience below.
How did you hear about WrenchWay and the mobile app?
I found the WrenchWay app by searching for “mechanic jobs” on the Apple app store. Until this search for the app, I hadn’t heard of WrenchWay.
How easy was it to create a Reverse Job Post?
It was extremely easy and quick to create a Reverse Job Post on the WrenchWay mobile app. I filled out some basic information about my job experience, what I wanted in a shop, and that was it.
How much time do you feel Reverse Job Posts has saved you?
It saved me tons of time! All I had to do was fill out the initial post that took me about 20 minutes. I didn’t waste time browsing through thousands of job postings in my area. I also didn’t have to worry about updating and sending my resume multiple times to different shops. Overall, it was a very simple process.
How long did it take for you to receive messages from shops?
It didn’t take long at all for me to receive messages from interested shops. Within one day of creating my post, I received messages from shops that were interested in me.
Would you recommend Reverse Job Posts to your friends?
I would absolutely recommend Reverse Job Posts to my technician friends. Everything about it was easy. I only needed to fill out one post (not multiple applications) and tons of shops in my area of choice got my information. Plus, there was no follow-up required on my end; shops reached out to me.
I also really loved that it was anonymous. I didn’t have to worry about my current shop or technician colleagues knowing I was looking for work.
What surprised you the most about Reverse Job Posts?
I was amazed at how quickly and how many shops replied to my Reverse Job Post. The 20 minutes it took me to complete the post, I would never have been able to send my resume and application to the number of shops that received my Reverse Job Posting. I also enjoyed the variety of offers and messages I received from shops. I connected with not only automotive shops, but also heavy truck, equipment, etc. The range of shops that saw my post was incredible.
Is there anything else you would like to share?
I would like to share that I think the WrenchWay app and Reverse Job Posts are a great idea. As a technician, it’s very nice to have a place for us to find information, interact with each other, and look for work. Reverse Job Posts are really a game-changer since they are anonymous and technicians are recruited based solely on their qualifications. Many shops would look to reprimand their technicians who were looking for other jobs, and this system prevents that entirely.