Mike Wiant, Regional Sales Representative at Shelby American, is a catalyst in the auto industry, driven by a passion for inspiring students and engaging with local schools. From initiating exciting events like, “Drive a Shelby to School Day” and “AutoBlast,” Mike is dedicated to getting students excited about careers in the auto profession. His efforts also support schools and help foster strong relationships between shops and schools.

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Show Notes

About Our Guest

Mike Wiant
Creator, AutoBlast
Regional Sales Representative, Shelby American

About Our Host

Jay Goninen
Co-Founder & President, WrenchWay
jayg@wrenchway.com | 608.716.2122

WrenchWay Resources

Salary Comparison Tool – See pay information for automotive, diesel, and collision technicians near you at wrenchway.com/pay.

Technicians & Students – Looking for the best shops or dealerships to work at? Check out wrenchway.com/shops.

Shops & Dealerships – Want to find quality technicians, connect with schools, and support the auto and diesel industry? Learn about WrenchWay Top Shop Memberships.

Auto, Diesel, or Tech Ed Instructors – Need help getting resources for your program and connecting with industry? We have free solutions for you on WrenchWay.

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