We’re excited to announce a new enhancement to WrenchWay Shop Talk – All individuals can now post! Previously, all individuals were welcome to comment on posts. However, only shops, schools, and select individuals could create posts.

Effective immediately, every member of WrenchWay’s automotive and diesel online community can actively participate in the discussions that make Shop Talk a hub of industry connection and knowledge sharing.

Text-Only Posts are Now Supported

In response to user feedback, we’ve also removed the requirement for photos or videos to accompany posts. This streamlines the posting process, making it easier than ever to share insights, experiences, and questions. Whether you’re detailing a recent project, seeking advice on troubleshooting, or simply excited about a new development in your shop or school, Shop Talk is your platform to engage.

“We’re Hiring” Posts are Not Welcome

We want to emphasize that Shop Talk is exclusively designed for authentic industry dialogue. As a result, we kindly remind everyone that “We’re hiring” posts are not aligned with the platform’s purpose. We welcome shops to share updates and talk about all the great things going on in their service center, but explicit recruiting posts are not allowed.

Instead, we want to focus on making Shop Talk a palace to build connections, discuss trends, and celebrate milestones within the automotive and diesel industry.

Join the Conversation on WrenchWay Shop Talk

Join the conversation today by visiting wrenchway.com/shoptalk. Empower, engage, and evolve with WrenchWay Shop Talk. Your voice matters, and we can’t wait to hear it!