We recently sat down with Shop Owner, Brian Bates, at Eagle Automotive Service to talk about his experience using WrenchWay’s new Reverse Job Post program to hire a technician. Check out what he had to say below!

How did you hear about WrenchWay and Reverse Job Posts?

I received a LinkedIn message from Kate Beirowski, Director of Sales at WrenchWay, about the new, free Reverse Job Post program. I decided to go for it, and sign up. I created a profile, and started connecting with technicians on the platform.

WrenchWay: A Better Way to Hire Technicians

How have you found technicians in the past?

Everywhere! There is no one-stop-shop to find technicians. For my shop, it is really a combination of Facebook, Linkedin, Indeed, Craigslist, referrals, and more. All outreach is done online too. We don’t run anything through print.

How long did it take for you to get notifications that there were technicians in your area?

It was quick because Kate reached out to me saying there were already technicians in my area looking for work. Although it has been a while since we have gotten more tech matches in our area, I am willing to wait. The technicians I did get matched up with previously were great fits, and I actually hired one. The tech was worth the wait and fits in great at the shop.

What surprised you the most about Reverse Job Posts?

Of the three candidates that my shop was matched with, I connected and interacted very well with two of them —one of which I hired. I had some really strong conversations, and both techs were really engaged. Once I got them engaged, I considered that a win! I thought I would have to email the technicians three or four times just to get a response, but that wasn’t the case.

We see a lot of shops struggling with knowing how to approach technicians on Reverse Job Posts (i.e., they just send them a link to apply, tell them to call the shop, etc.). What advice do you have for shops on how they can successfully engage with technicians on Reverse Job Posts?

For me that is easy, this is a seller’s market and the technicians, in most cases, are getting inundated with interest from shops. As a shop, you need to compete for the engagement of the technician that is looking for a new opportunity. Initiating a personal conversation is very important. Asking the technician to just contact the shop is a low success proposition.

Moreover, the shop owner (or hiring manager) should look at Reverse Job Posts as a sales process. Each party has a problem that needs to be solved and each needs to feel confident that the relationship will solve the problem. Shop owners that follow the process of the sales process have the most success.

  1. Create the rapport
  2. Identify the problems that need to be addressed
  3. Propose a solution
  4. Overcome objections
  5. Agree on price
  6. Deliver the product

All Reverse Job Posts aren’t exact to this step-by-step process, but the basic idea is there. When followed, it raises the success rate of qualified people joining your team.

Would you recommend Reverse Job Posts to other shops?

For technicians, Reverse Job Posts are really great because they get to remain anonymous. This industry is a tight community. Word does tend to get out if someone is looking for work and can be awkward for the tech if word travels back to their current employer.

For shops, Reverse Job Posts are a great way to evaluate available technicians without posting for a specific job. If you are unhappy with a technician’s work at your shop, you can actively look for new help, without being completely transparent on what openings are available, like you have to do on a job ad.