
Beyond the Wrench

Leadership in Repair Shops ft. Chuck Searles

Episode Description What does great leadership look like in a shop? Where can we find helpful management and leadership training? How do you measure the ROI of management training? This week, we chat with Chuck Searles, Former President of Automotive Management Institute (AMi), about all these topics and more. Enjoy! Watch The Full Episode Episode

2023-02-21T13:01:19-05:00Beyond the Wrench|

Technician Training — Separating the Best Shops From the Rest ft. Jill Trotta, RepairPal

Episode Description This week, we welcome Jill Trotta, Vice President/GM, Industry, Sales, and Certification at RepairPal to the podcast. We talk about how the best-in-class shops are providing their technicians with regular training to ensure they’re staying up-to-date on the latest technology in the industry. We also discuss where shops can find training opportunities for

2025-02-07T10:54:16-05:00Beyond the Wrench|

Measuring The Success Of Your Service Center ft. Jamie Powers

Episode Description On this week's episode of Beyond the Wrench, we talk with Jamie Powers about the importance of key performance indicators, tips for communicating with employees, how to manage accountability during a technician shortage, and understanding the fixed operations role. Follow & rate the Beyond the Wrench Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or

2024-08-26T09:20:39-05:00Beyond the Wrench|

Why Technicians are Leaving the Industry ft. Matt Fanslow, Bob Higgins, & Lunden Herndon

EPISODE DESCRIPTION On this week’s episode of Beyond the Wrench, we talk with three former technicians about what struggles they experienced working as techs, why they think techs are leaving the industry, and actions shops can take to boost technician retention. WATCH THE FULL EPISODE EPISODE SUMMARY 3 Reasons Technicians are Leaving the Industry The

2024-07-02T07:23:24-05:00Beyond the Wrench|

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in Shops | Cheryl Thompson, CADIA

Episode Description Subscribe & rate the Beyond the Wrench Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts! In this week’s episode, we talk with Cheryl Thompson, CEO & Founder of Center for Automotive Diversity, Inclusion and Advancement. We discuss the meaning of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), why it’s important for

2024-09-05T12:30:26-05:00Beyond the Wrench|

Recruiting Military Veterans in the Shop | TC Olsen, LKQ

Episode Description We’re excited to be back after a short break! In this week’s episode, we’re talking with TC Olsen, Director Talent Acquisition, LKQ, about recruiting military veterans and how to manage military veterans once you have them in the shop. Hope you enjoy the episode, and don't forget to subscribe and rate us in

2024-07-02T13:58:48-05:00Beyond the Wrench|

The Value of Diversity in Repair Shop

In this episode of WrenchWay Weekly, we discuss diversity in the shop. Watch the full episode, or review the episode highlights below. The Value of Diversity in the Shop A recent WrenchWay Insiders poll asked, “Approximately what percentage of the technicians in your shop are people of color?” Let’s review the responses: More than 50%:

2023-02-21T13:01:22-05:00Beyond the Wrench|

How Repair Shops Can Manage Technician Ghosting

In this episode of WrenchWay Weekly, we discuss technicians ghosting prospective employers. Watch the full episode, or review the episode highlights below. Do Technicians Ghost Potential Employers? A recent WrenchWay Insiders poll asked, “Have you ever ghosted a shop after applying or after an interview?” Let’s review the responses: Yes: 25% No: 75% If yes,

2023-02-21T13:01:22-05:00Beyond the Wrench|

Supporting Women in the Automotive Industry

Episode Description Today, we welcome Tiffany Scherado to the podcast. Tiffany is the Facilitator for the new Amazing Women in Automotive group, and she brings some fantastic insight to the podcast on how we, as an industry, can better support women in automotive. Resources: Join the Amazing Women in Automotive Facebook Group for free. To

2024-07-12T13:34:04-05:00Beyond the Wrench|

How to Create an Employee Referral Program For Your Repair Shop

In this episode of WrenchWay Weekly, we discuss employees referring friends and family for job openings. Watch the full episode, or review the episode highlights below. Do Repair Shops Have Employee Referral Programs? A recent WrenchWay Insiders poll asked, “Does your shop have an employee referral program that incentivizes employees for referring friends/family for open

2023-02-21T13:01:23-05:00Beyond the Wrench|
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