
Success Stories

How Phillip Found a New Technician Job Using Reverse Job Posts

Finding a job as a technician is overwhelming. Nearly every shop is hiring for techs, and all their job postings look the same. Trying to comb through the hundreds of job posts, determine which shop is actually worth applying to, and updating/sending a resume to each is extremely time-consuming. Despite the pain of looking for

2024-02-29T10:28:39-05:00Success Stories|

Eagle Automotive Service Hires Technician Using Reverse Job Posts

We recently sat down with Shop Owner, Brian Bates, at Eagle Automotive Service to talk about his experience using WrenchWay’s new Reverse Job Post program to hire a technician. Check out what he had to say below! How did you hear about WrenchWay and Reverse Job Posts? I received a LinkedIn message from Kate Beirowski,

2024-04-05T09:33:20-05:00Success Stories|

Customer Spotlight: How Lithia Motors Boosts Technician Recruiting Efforts with WrenchWay

Recruiting technicians for Lithia Motors, Inc. is no small job. With 211 locations and growing, Lithia employs more than 3000 technicians. I recently got the opportunity to sit down with Steve Hamre, National Technician Recruiting Manager for Lithia Motors, to learn more about how his team uses WrenchWay Top Shop pages to enhance their recruiting

2024-06-10T09:18:21-05:00Success Stories|
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