Shop Management

Technicians Share How to Fix the Technician Shortage

Everyone loves to talk about how we can fix the national technician shortage, but few people are asking the individuals who can truly give us the answer: the technicians themselves. We recently asked technicians: What is the one thing that needs to change to improve the technician shortage? Obviously, it's not one thing that needs

19 Automotive Leaders Share Their Top Priority Going Into 2023

We recently asked leaders in the automotive industry: What is your number one priority going into 2023? Not surprisingly, we saw some common themes, including focusing on: Production Career development and training Recruiting and retention Customer service and retention Check out what they had to say below. "My focus is selling hours… Selling 130% of

2023-07-05T09:09:55-05:00Shop Management|

Top 3 Ways to Attract Skilled Workers During a Talent Shortage

Businesses everywhere are experiencing a universal shortage of talent. A recent study by NFIB showed that 46% of all small business owners reported job openings they could not fill in the current period, down three points from August, while the number of unfilled job openings far exceeds the 48-year historical average of 23%. Furthermore, 89%

2023-02-21T12:58:26-05:00Shop Management|

How to Conduct Successful Performance Reviews for Technicians

It’s that time of year again when many shops and dealerships are getting ready to conduct annual performance reviews. It can be easy for annual reviews to become a “check-the-box” item on the to do list. However, shops and dealerships need to look at these conversations strategically in order to boost shop performance and increase

2024-03-27T11:01:09-05:00Shop Management|

3 Examples of Top Shops Talking About Employee Recognition

Although we are wrapping up our September Topic of the Month, Technician Recognition, Top Shops continue to promote and improve their amazing technician recognition benefits through our Shop Talk feed. It is great to see more and more videos being posted every day from shops across the country. Our Shop Talk feed has truly evolved

2023-09-18T15:37:13-05:00Shop Management|

Roundtable Recap: Technician Recognition: Creating a Culture of Appreciation in Your Service Center

Watch the Recording Roundtable Highlights Defining Employee Recognition Employee recognition is not something one person can create. It starts with the ownership and management team. Recognize people the way they want to be recognized. Everyone likes to be recognized in their own unique way. Knowing your staff on a personal level is a huge part

2023-02-21T12:58:35-05:00Shop Management|

Employee Appreciation Ideas for Repair Shops

Every shop and dealership knows the importance of employee appreciation and recognition. You’ll frequently hear owners, managers, or fixed ops directors talking about how their people are their top priority… Yet, over a quarter of employees aren’t recognized for their work, with an additional 17% saying they just receive it annually—which isn’t much better (Zippia).

2023-02-21T12:58:35-05:00Shop Management|

Employee Recognition Stats Shops & Dealerships Need to Know

Employee recognition is one of the simplest strategies for attracting and retaining technicians. Yet, shops and dealerships frequently overlook it. Employee appreciation and recognition bring so many benefits to your shop, and in particular, your service center, where turnover is likely an issue. Shops and dealers who focus on employee recognition reap the benefits of:

2023-02-21T12:58:36-05:00Shop Management|

3 Ways Top Shops & Dealerships Structure Tool Programs for Technicians

As we finish off our August Topic of the Month, Technician Tool Programs, we want to thank everyone who attended our roundtable, read our blogs and guides, and/or participated in any way to help get this important conversation going. Special shout out to all the WrenchWay Top Shops that created a Shop Talk video talking

2023-06-12T12:44:07-05:00Shop Management|

34 Ways to Improve Your Technician Recruiting

Technician recruiting is no easy task. The days of “post and pray” on the job boards are over. Shops need to take a more strategic approach to recruiting technicians. We asked 34 experts in the automotive, diesel, and collision industries: What is the one thing shops can do to improve how they’re recruiting technicians? Below

2024-10-18T10:37:06-05:00Shop Management|
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