Shop Management

Relationship-Driven Culture

Tim Winkeler, President & CEO of VIP Tires & Service, joins us to discuss how they prioritize relationships in building their shop culture. VIP Tires & Service has used staff feedback to drive improvements, learning valuable lessons along the way. These include the power of feedback, the importance of closing the feedback loop, and focusing

2024-11-27T09:03:58-05:00Shop Management|

The Cost of Technician Turnover and How to Prevent It

Technician turnover is costly and disruptive—especially in the automotive and diesel industries where skilled labor is in high demand. The cost of replacing an employee is estimated to be one-half to two times the worker’s annual compensation… That’s a lot of cash. In this article, we will dive into the costs associated with technician turnover

2024-11-08T12:05:21-05:00Shop Management|

How Shops Can Inspire Future Technicians with Hands-On Learning

We aren’t just facing a technician shortage, we’re in a technician crisis. The average age of the current technician workforce is 40-years-old and that number keeps increasing. It's more important than ever for shops and dealerships to help attract the next generation of technicians. One of the best ways to get students exposure to the

2024-10-07T13:44:12-05:00Shop Management|

How to Build a Magnetic Shop Culture to Attract & Retain Technicians

Shop culture plays a significant role in technician recruiting and retention. In a recent poll on LinkedIn, 79% of technicians said shop culture plays a huge role in their job satisfaction. In an extremely competitive job market where shops are vying for the best technicians, it’s imperative that shops are focused on creating a magnetic

7 Ways to Recognize Technicians—Boosting Retention & Recruitment

In the fast-paced world of service, technicians are the unsung heroes who keep shops running smoothly. Their hard work, skill, and dedication deserve recognition and celebration. In fact, a recent employee survey found that 85% of employees believe management should reward outstanding performance whenever it occurs. Appreciating and rewarding technicians not only boosts morale but

Auto & Diesel Instructors Share How Shops & Dealerships Can Help Local Schools

Automotive and diesel instructors and students across the country are getting ready to head back to school, and many have already started! Oftentimes, shops and dealerships want to support their local schools, but aren’t sure where to start. As they’re getting their classrooms and shops prepared, we asked 15 automotive and diesel instructors what shops

2024-08-20T12:09:11-05:00Shop Management|

Collision Repair Technician Satisfaction Discussion with I-CAR

The collision repair industry, much like the automotive industry, is facing a technician shortage. Technicians leaving the industry (through retirement, COVID-19 impact, or other factors) are outpacing new entrants to fill those roles. Dara Goroff, Vice President of Planning & Industry Talent Programming at I-CAR, talks about the results of a Technician Satisfaction survey, and

2024-08-02T13:47:51-05:00Shop Management|

How Shops & Dealerships Give Back to Their Communities

At WrenchWay, we have witnessed numerous heartwarming ways in which shops and dealerships are supporting their local communities. From donating school supplies to backing youth programs and engaging in local events, auto and diesel shops across the country and working hard to make a positive impact on their communities. Community involvement not only aids those

Maximizing Efficiency in Parts and Service Operations: Insights from PartsEdge

For technicians, time is money—quite literally. Most technicians are paid by labor hours, and fixed operations revolve around selling those hours. Therefore, saving time in daily operations leads to a smoother workflow, more efficient processes, and, ultimately, increased profitability. The Importance of Efficiency and Accuracy Efficiency in parts and service operations can lead to: Reduced

Will the Toolbelt Generation Fix the Technician Shortage?

Generation Z, which makes up those born between the mid-1990s and the early 2010s, has been dubbed “Zoomers,” “iGeneration,” and also the “Toolbelt Generation.” With the average cost of college in the U.S. more than doubling in the 21st century, more young people are choosing alternative pathways. The number of students enrolled in vocational-focused community

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