

WrenchWay to Launch Local Chapters Across the U.S.

WrenchWay is excited to announce that we will launch Local Chapters across the country starting in 11 cities starting in April! WrenchWay Local Chapters bring together the best shops and dealerships with schools, technicians, and other industry professionals in cities across the country with the goal of promoting and improving careers in the automotive and


Top 5 Episodes of Beyond the Wrench in 2022

Thank you to everyone who has been a supporter of the Beyond the Wrench podcast over the last couple of years! To celebrate another successful year, we are looking at our top episodes of 2022. Enjoy! 5 Most Popular Beyond the Wrench Podcast Episodes in 2022 1. Hiring High-Performance People ft. Trip Bruce, Halmar Friesen


5 Most Popular Automotive & Diesel Blog Articles of 2022

365 days… Over 160 blog articles… Holy moly, what a year! We compiled a list of the articles on our blog that you loved the most this past year. Enjoy! Top 5 Articles of 2022: What Shops, Dealers, & Technicians Care About 19+ Unspoken Rules of the Shop for New Technicians No one wants to


TechMission 2022 Recap: Promote and Improve Technician Careers

Last week, we hosted our third annual TechMission event. We want to give a HUGE shout-out to all our panelists, moderators, sponsors, and attendees. Without your support, we wouldn't be able to host an event like this. This year, our theme was “Promote and Improve Technician Careers.” We know how amazing this industry is and


WrenchWay September Topic of the Month: Technician Recognition

Employee recognition may seem like an obvious strategy when it comes to attracting and retaining top talent, yet few shops do a great job of it. Join us in promoting and improving technician recognition efforts in service centers throughout the entire month of September. Here’s What’s on the Agenda for September Roundtable: Technician Recognition: Creating


TechMission 2022 Virtual Event: Promote & Improve Technician Careers

We are incredibly excited to be hosting the third annual TechMission virtual event coming October 19-20, 2022! TechMission brings together technicians, shop owners and managers, and fixed ops directors to discuss how we can work together to promote and improve technician careers. This year’s sessions will ignite and challenge shops to actually take action—working with


WrenchWay to Start Weekly $1,000 Giveaways to Technicians & High Schools

Our goal at WrenchWay is to help promote and improve technician careers. We work hard to not only help shops attract technicians, but also to help schools improve their technician programs. As the new school year kicks off, we are excited to announce that we will be doing weekly giveaways—putting extra cash into the hands


Free Workshop: How to Write Social Media Posts Technicians Will Pay Attention To

At WrenchWay, we are always looking for new ways to help our clients get in front of and build relationships with technicians. That is why we are extremely excited to announce our first ever Top Shop workshop! Our first workshop will take place on Tuesday, August 23, 2022 at 1pm CT. It’s online and completely


Happy Father’s Day – The Jones Motorsports Story

Here at WrenchWay, we are always looking for new and exciting ways we can get involved with our local community. This is why we have decided to sponsor a local racing team, Jones Motorsports. Jones Motorsport is made up of two brothers, Parker and Payton Jones. For Father’s Day, we wanted to do something special


Roundtable Recap: The Role of Management in Technician Recruitment & Retention

The number one reason employees leave companies is because of their manager, not their job. With that being said, owners/managers have to be doing everything they can to recruit and retain technicians. We hosted a roundtable with three amazing owners/managers to discuss how they build and foster relationships with technicians in their shops. Watch

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