
For Schools

How Schools Can Attract More Females to Technician Programs

Walk into any service center and you’ll see the vast majority of technicians are male. In fact, a study done by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2020 found that only 9% of all automotive technicians in the United States are women. While this is a 7% improvement from 2018 (which is huge), we still

2024-06-03T15:02:17-05:00For Schools|

WrenchWay School Assist: Free Tool Helps Schools Connect with Local Shops & Dealerships

We're excited to announce the release of our new product to help high schools and post-secondary schools with technician programs connect with local shops and dealerships. WrenchWay School Assist is a free tool that makes it easier for schools to get the resources they need to attract more young students to technician programs and educate them

2024-07-08T10:25:34-05:00For Schools|
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