Westrux International - Montebello - Technician Jobs in Montebello, CA

Top Shop for Technician Jobs in Montebello, CA


  • Westrux International - Montebello shop photo
  • Westrux International - Montebello shop photo
  • Westrux International - Montebello shop photo
  • Westrux International - Montebello shop photo
  • Parts Counter
  • Write Up Desk
  • Service Truck
  • Westrux International - Montebello shop photo
  • Westrux International - Montebello shop photo
  • One of the moany models we work on!
  • One of the moany models we work on!
  • One of the moany models we work on!
  • Westrux International - Montebello shop photo
  • One of the moany models we work on!

Under The Hood

Is the shop heated? Air conditioned?

No, but we take additional steps to keep the work environment pleasant.

What is the size of the team I’d be working with?

Right now it is 8 techs, 1 foreman, and 1 advisor.

What are the shop hours and what are the shift timeframes?

The shop is open Monday-Friday 7am-4:30PM. We currently offer two shifts 7-330 or 8-430.

What tools does the shop provide that are available for all technicians to use?

We provide all International OEM specialty tools including computers and diagnostic software. Technicians are expected to have their own tools.

What type of break room facility is provided?

We have a break area with a table and chairs.

How many bays does your shop have?

We have 20 bays.

How many repair orders do you average per month?

Hundreds, and increasing by the month.

What is your parts ordering process?

We have a back parts counter dedicated to the shop.

What is your policy on side work?

We do not allow side work to be done on or off-site.

Do you offer any skills training or continuing education opportunities?

The shop pays for completed and passed online OEM training. The shop pays for OEM training both on-site and off-premise including: Travel, Lodging, Food, and time at class.

Can you describe opportunities for career growth at your business?

We are a growing company and will remain so for years to come. Great talent will always have an opportunity for career growth - whether their desire is to grow within their current position or expand beyond it.

Can you describe your performance review process?

Performance Reviews are each done at the service manager's discretion.

What type of safety training is required?

Monthly safety meetings. Online safety training at hire and renewed every year.

Can you describe how Techs work with and mentor younger techs?

Senior technicians work with new technicians side by side for their first 90 days.

How does your shop get involved with the local community?

We regularly support community causes, especially those close to our team members.

Do you do anything with local high schools or tech schools to encourage more students to enter the profession?

We work with and attend career fairs at UTI and LATC.

Do you phone screen applicants before doing in-person interviews?

We do not.

What do your in-person interviews entail?

When you come in for an in-person interview you will be interviewed by the service manager. The interview will consist of technical questions to assess your knowledge of the diesel, product.

Do you perform background checks, drug screening, or personality tests before hiring an applicant?

Yes, we perform background checks and drug screens.

Do you perform a skill assessment before hiring an applicant? If yes, what does it entail?

There are some assessments that are performed online and in the shop around a truck.

After an in-person interview, approximately how long should I expect to wait for a rejection or an offer?

We try to keep in contact with our candidates and a rejection or offer is usually made within a week.

Approximately how long does the full hiring process take from submitting the application to the time of the hiring decision?

Depending on the number of candidates, it should take less than 10 days.

Diesel Mechanic Pay Range: $32.80 - $45.00/hour

We offer 401k with a company match, dental, vision, and medical insurance. Hourly paid positions based on background, certifications, and skill set

Health Insurance Offered
Kaiser Health
Dental Insurance Offered
Met Life Dental
Vision Insurance Offered
Met Life Vision
Retirement Plan Offered
John Hancock 401k
Sick Leave Offered
5 sicks days a year after 90 days
Vacation Offered
After one year of employment you earn 40 hours a year, after 3 years 80 hours a year.
Paid Holidays Offered
New Years Day Memorial Day 4th of July Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day
ST / LT Disability Offered
Life Insurance Offered
Uniforms Offered
Westrux provides shirts, pants, rags, first aid, and eye wash station. Uniforms are washed weekly.
Other Not Offered

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