Under The Hood
Is the shop heated? Air conditioned?
We have multiple gas heaters in the shop, its also very well insulated and only 8 years old. No AC in shop, Its Bend! We do have two very large swamp cooolers that help in the brief hot period. AC is in the break room and front office areas.
What is the size of the team I’d be working with?
Six technicians, one lube tech and one shop helper. 3 service advisors and one parts professional. Two owners.
What are the shop hours and what are the shift timeframes?
Monday through Friday from 8 to 5. We are never open on weekends!
What tools does the shop provide that are available for all technicians to use?
Multiple updated Scan tools, specialty tools, welder, shop press, two Pro-cut brake lathes, AC machine, Hunter alignment machine, shop toolbox, smoke machine, programming tool, tire machines, strut machine, battery chargers, transmission jacks, floor jacks, engine hoist, engine stands, band saw, parts washer, etc. Multiple repair database subscriptions.
What type of break room facility is provided?
Large brake room with fridge, sink, tv, microwave, small oven, and coffee. Heated and cooled.
How many bays does your shop have?
12 bays
How many repair orders do you average per month?
330 cars
What is your parts ordering process?
Service advisors order all parts. Technicians use parts request forms to get correct parts.
What is your policy on side work?
All technicians get keys to shop after trial period. Working on family and personal cars permitted. No side work for money allowed in the shop.
Are there any other unique features of the work environment worth noting?
This is a green shop listed in the state of Oregon. We recycle everything including used oil filters, used oil, antifreeze, cardboard, scrap steel, etc. We have a large solar system on the roof of the building. We have an EV shuttle car and charging station. We purchase recycled printer paper, bulk antifreeze, and eco-oil from Castrol. Our shop has LED and other efficient light bulbs.
Do you offer any skills training or continuing education opportunities?
Yes, we try to do all the available in-person tech classes in our local area. Since Covid, this has been less. We just did a good EV class last month. We used to send all the technicians to Portland so they could go to Worldpac classes which are still shut down for in-person. We also do some lunchtime Zoom classes with Worldpac.
Can you describe opportunities for career growth at your business?
We have turned many shop porters into full on line technicians over the years. We always want to technicians to get better and have goals. Technicians get paid for passing ASE tests and make more money when they go through the ranks. We would love all our technicians to be considered A techs.
Can you describe your performance review process?
We have individual performance meetings once a year with goal setting and plans to achieve them. For new hires we do 30 day and 6 month meetings to get people up to speed with our shops programs.
What type of safety training is required?
We have a couple safety meetings a year. One is focused on fire extinguishers, one is on personal safety and lastly we have a strict driving policy to keep our employees protected and safe.
Can you describe how Techs work with and mentor younger techs?
Lube technicians are trained by the owner. We have different check sheets and policy's for technicians that are in training.
How does your shop get involved with the local community?
We have been in the area for 20 years so we have lots of involvement within the community. We have sponsored MBSEF(Mt.Bachelor ski education foundation) for years. We also sponsor Bend FC Timbers. We have been involved with FAN(family access network). We are a long time Bend Environmental Center supporter as well.
Do you do anything with local high schools or tech schools to encourage more students to enter the profession?
We have hosted a few shop tours for high school students so they can see the shop and learn about being a technician as a career.
Do you phone screen applicants before doing in-person interviews?
It depends on if they are local or not. Meeting face-to-face can be better, but a phone interview makes a lot of sense if the applicant is out of the area. Talking to local applicants on the phone before the interview just breaks the ice and gets some basic questions out of the way. More communication is mostly always better.
What do your in-person interviews entail?
Review job description and benefit packages first to see if its a fit. Addressing all concerns and questions out of the way pronto. I don't like to waste my time or other peoples time. If I have any concerns that I want clear up I ask those questions in this face to face interview. If the in-person interview goes well I then like to offer a working interview next.
Do you perform background checks, drug screening, or personality tests before hiring an applicant?
We do basic background checks for criminal activity only.
Do you perform a skill assessment before hiring an applicant? If yes, what does it entail?
We do not require a written test but a working interview is required for all technicians. This is a great way for the owner/manager to see how well the technician will fit in with the group. Its also very helpful for the technician to see how well they like it before committing to the job. It has to be a great fit for everyone to work well in the long term.
After an in-person interview, approximately how long should I expect to wait for a rejection or an offer?
The answer to this question depends on how many applicants we have. On average, it usually takes 24 hours to find out if you get the job or not.
Approximately how long does the full hiring process take from submitting the application to the time of the hiring decision?
We move pretty fast at this shop. If you're the right candidate it could potentially only take a few days. With lots of applicants, it could take a couple weeks but that is worse case scenario.
Is there anything else you’d like to mention about your hiring process?
We are always searching for the most skilled people in the industry which can take time. Many times though the most skilled are not the best fit for our team. We would rather hire an upbeat B tech rather than a pessimistic A tech. We all work closely together and fix problems every day. A caring attitude goes a long way in working with a team and aligning with our shop goals.
B Level Technician
Pay Range: $60,000.00 - $80,000.00/year
($28.85 - $38.46/hr)
We pay an hourly wage plus a very generous bonus program. Technicians can make up to an additional $2500.00 a month along with hourly rate. This is an actual bonus amount that current technicians have hit. The bonus ranges from $40.00 to $800.00 per week depending on how many hours flagged.
A Level Technician
Pay Range: $80,000.00 - $115,000.00/year
($38.46 - $55.29/hr)
We pay an hourly wage plus a very generous bonus program. Technicians can make up to an additional $2500.00 a month along with hourly rate. This is an actual bonus amount that current technicians have hit. The bonus ranges from $40.00 to $800.00 per week depending on how many hours flagged.
- Health Insurance Offered
- Pacific Source Group plan through Bend Chamber of Commerce.
- Dental Insurance Offered
- Pacific Source.
- Vision Insurance Offered
- Pacific Source.
- Retirement Plan Offered
- 401K with company match
- Sick Leave Offered
- Oregon law requires to provide sick leave.
- Vacation Offered
- Up to three weeks paid vacation after three years of employment.
- Paid Holidays Offered
- Seven paid Holiday days a year.
- ST / LT Disability Not Offered
- Life Insurance Not Offered
- Uniforms Offered
- Provided by Aramark. Pants, shirts and jackets.
- Other Offered
- Christmas bonus depending on how successful the year was. Range is $500.00 to $5000.00.
Shop Talk

Top Shop Challenge: How are you planning to support your team’s professional development in 2025?
This year we are really stepping it up to get all of our technicians more ASE certifications! We have already had a policy in place for some time that pays the technician $100.00 for each test that is passed. We also have a tool allowance twice a year for only ASE certified technicians. This year we have decided to only give raises to technicians that are certified. This is how serious we are about having our technicians all ASE certified. Many technicians that apply for a job here have zero certifications and want a job. Technicians need to get more serious about this. Technician wages are way up over the last five years, but ASE master techs are really hard to find.

Top Shop Challenge: With many new techs about to join shops around the country, what does your shop do to help ensure your rookies succeed and stay in the industry?
We have a multi step program that has proven to be very successful! We have four success stories so far! These guys all start as shop porters. They clean shop, clean cars, help the technicians and observe the inner workings of a highly efficient auto repair shop. After a year or more they start to change oil and do inspections. Once they are very proficient at that they can start to learn other tasks. They also go to multiple training classes and start to knock out their ASE certifications. Before you know it they turn into very good technicians that have been trained properly! Justin is the latest shop porter turned technician and he is doing awesome! We all can't wait to see his progression! It's very exciting! Good job Justin!!!

Our March technician of the month is Zach! He has been with us for over 6 years and has become a key player in the Import Performance team! He is considered one of our A class technicians! He can diagnose difficult cars, do very large repairs and help fellow technicians that are moving up through the ranks. Thank you Zach! You are awesome! Please keep it up! This picture is very funny by the way :)

Next week is our 22-year anniversary in business! One of the best decisions I ever made was to build our own building. The shop is still beautiful! The construction pictures are from 2015. This is our fourth and final location in beautiful Bend, Oregon. Thank you Bend for everything!

Top Shop Challenge: What is a goal for 2024 that your shop has as it relates to employing technicians?
One of my goals this year is getting our ASE blue seal shop certification completed! We had this for many years, but lost it because many technicians are not renewing their ASE certifications. We have to be certified in every area and have a high percentage of all our technicians with ASE's. Doug here just passed four re-certification tests last week! He is well on his way to becoming an ASE Master technician once again! Thanks Doug! When he gets his Master certification that will give us three Master technicians in the shop! This keeps our technicians sharp and lets the public know that we carry more certifications than most shops!