Tony's Brake & Alignment
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A Level Technician
You are a business card for our company. You are the professional the customer is entrusting with their second largest investment. You are the person that earns our credibility with our customers and vendors. You must always portray the image and ethics of our company in everything you do. Customer satisfaction will depend on your technical skills and professionalism that is applied in everything that you do.
Your primary function will be to properly identify and diagnose the customer’s problems with their vehicle. This will include the root cause of their original complaint and symptoms. You will also need to identify safety, progressive damage or maintenance items this vehicle may need now or in the near future.
You must always keep the customers’ best interest in mind while remembering that we are the professionals hired by them to identify and repair their vehicles problems. You must utilize your experience, expertise, and equipment to deliver what was sold with the highest level of quality, integrity, and workmanship.
You are a highly trained professional and must always portray this in appearance, attitude, and actions. This includes all contacts: customers, employees, vendors, etc. Your representation of this company must be able to instill confidence in our technical ability and competence.
A. General
1. Must have a good positive attitude and personality. Able to work as a member of a team and maintain a positive attitude in the most stressful environments. Must be able to communicate effectively with fellow workers. Have a basic understanding of the automotive industry from various perspectives.
2. Must be able to work with minimal supervision.
3. Maintain a neat and professional appearance.
4. Must be able to earn the trust of co-workers, vendors, and customers.
5. Must possess a willingness to learn new skills.
6. Must possess a willingness to embark on a continuing education program.
7. Have a general understanding of a progressive, modern, and professional automotive business.
8. Must be able to cope with a stressful environment and periods of stress and tension.
9. Must be able to work long hours when required.
10. Must be able to speak English fluently and read and write English legibly.
11. Must have excellent verbal and written communication skills.
B. Specific
1. Must have a high school diploma.
2. Must have valid driver’s license.
3. Must be insurable by the company.
4. Must have a working knowledge of computers.
5. Minimum of two years’ experience in the automotive industry.
6. Able to lift 80 pounds.
7. Able to diagnose and repair vehicles effectively according to your rated skill level.
8. Must be able to utilize the shop information resources (Alldata, IATN, Mitchell, Identifix, and Mitchell 1, etc.).
9. Must be able to read and understand technical information, wiring, and vacuum diagrams.
10. Must possess the required personal tools and diagnostic equipment relative to the current technology to perform your rated skill level effectively.
A. Appearance
1. Appearance must be clean and neat, promoting a professional business image.
2. Company uniforms are mandatory.
3. Hair must be cut, styled, and worn in a fashion acceptable for a professional image.
B. Attendance
1. Show up and be ready to work at the scheduled time on every day scheduled to work.
2. Requests for time off from regularly scheduled work times or days must be received in writing at least two weeks in advance.
3. Exceptions for unforeseen circumstances with priority are acceptable with notification at the earliest possible opportunity.
4. Time at work is for producing work. Time spent visiting with fellow employees must be kept at a minimum.
5. Personal phone calls, visits, or answering text messages should be kept to a minimum during business hours.
6. Must attend shop meetings.
C. Productivity and Efficiency
1. Must utilize the daily time management system to report and track production accurately and consistency.
2. Activities must be focused on achieving proper productivity and efficiency.
a. 32 shop book/flag hours per week
b. 100% efficiency at 80% productivity
c. Comebacks, misdiagnoses, or incomplete diagnosis on vehicles of less than 2 book hours or one car per month average.
3. Focus on high-quality production in quantity.
D. Ethics
1. Everyone is expected to operate with honesty, ethics, and integrity in all aspects of his job.
2. All company, customer, and employee information is confidential and proprietary. This information cannot be released without prior written authorization from proper persons.
E. Attitude
1. Each part of your job is extremely important and must be completed with accuracy, professionalism, pride, and integrity.
2. Foresight and thought must be applied to each function, procedure, or requirement of the job.
3. All employees must communicate openly and effectively all concerns and problems with each other and/or management.
4. Attitude must be open and positive at all times.
5. Must be enthusiastic and effective.
6. Promote positive morale in the shop.
F. Training
1. Must be willing to attend self-improvement seminars and job-specific training as necessary to continually improve and grow in job skills, and remain active with current technology and practices.
2. Must attend all necessary safety training, seminars, and classes.
G. Tools and Equipment
1. Have a progressive approach in maintaining your tool and equipment inventory relative to the current technology and your rated skill level.
2. Report tools, equipment, or facilities in need of repair or maintenance.
H. Etiquette
1. Must be able to speak, read, and write proper English legibly.
2. No slang, racial slurs, obscene language or behavior, sexual harassment, or innuendo towards others, etc.
3. Good communication skills, manners, tact, polite language, and gestures (even under pressure, stress, or frustration).
4. Good listening skills.
I. Other
1. Maintain good organization skills, including toolbox, workbenches, work area, Work Orders, and procedures, etc.
2. Able to analyze the facts and make a decision.
3. Good problem-solving ability.
4. Report problem areas to management.
5. Notify any illegal activities to management immediately (i.e. drug use, theft, etc.)
A. General Duties
1. Follow company procedures and policies, as well as written and verbal instructions.
2. Identify and repair the root cause of customer complaints.
3. Identify any items that create a safety hazard, progressive damage, or maintenance due, through vehicle inspections.
4. Target an average of three billable hours per Repair Order.
a. This is based on a statistical need of the average consumer vehicle.
b. It is unacceptable to recommend unnecessary repairs and maintenance to a customer and is grounds for disciplinary action.
c. Most vehicles can be evaluated in terms of safety, progressive damage, and maintenance due to neglect, or inadequate maintenance. This target is the cornerstone of quality, not activity-based, operation.
5. Target an average overall efficiency of 100% and productivity of at least 80%.
6. Maintain shop area in a clean, orderly fashion.
a. Empty trash as necessary.
b. Place shop rags and towels in proper receptacles.
c. Clean and maintain shop equipment as necessary to keep its appearance and operation professional and like new. We now employ a facility maintenance person to assist with this task.
B. Specific Duties
1. Verify vehicle behavior and specific customer complaint.
2. Fill out all Work Orders.
a. List complaint, cause, and correction with organized, written explanation necessary for the service advisor to properly sell the service or repair with applicable data and readings for credibility.
b. Recommended repairs
· Maintenance - proactive care
· Recommended - close to end of life or expected trouble in the future
· Required - at the end of its useful life, broken, or missing
c. Note any conditions that may require a particular explanation to the customer.
d. Update new information and status on Work Orders.
e. List all parts and labor operations performed.
f. Specific notes for warranty, recommended repairs, or particular customer information.
g. Special instructions, from your experience, for the service advisor or other personnel that will facilitate efficient and accurate workflow or parts acquisition.
3. Properly quality control the valuable final product.
a. Verify, correct, and complete repair performed.
b. Road test vehicles, identify potential problem areas, and verify your repairs.
c. Ensure clean delivery of the vehicle.
4. Accurately document all repairs and parts.
5. Take all possible precautions to ensure the safety and health of others as well as yourself.
6. Maintain workflow and productivity.
a. Be aware of the completion times and progress.
b. Monitor arrival of parts and work approvals.
c. Ensure vehicle completion and delivery are meeting commitments and on track with promises.
d. Scheduling being met as promised and keeping service advisor informed of progress or anticipated problems.
7. Assist in assembling the estimate for approval of diagnosed or recommended repairs when needed.
8. Attend meetings as required by management.
9. Identify and report problem areas and policy or procedure violations.
10. Park vehicles in an orderly fashion in designated areas and return keys to proper key hook.
11. Perform a vehicle inspection using the company-owned tablets on every vehicle per shop policy. (Coming soon)
12. Perform work assignments by time schedules as assigned by the service advisor/shop foreman.
13. Request work assignments as necessary to maintain workflow and target efficiency and productivity ratios.
1. Must possess and display all of Level B and Level C criteria
2. Advanced automotive diagnostic and problem-solving skills:
· Ability to identify the source of the problem and make a decision of the proper and complete correction of the consumers’ problems.
· Must have the drive and initiative to persevere through the most challenging and complicated symptoms and problems.
· Understand the inter-related systems and recognize multiple, underlying or secondary problems and failures.
· Take responsibility for the decision, recommendation, and repair of the problem.
· Reason and rationalize correlating symptoms or behaviors supporting diagnostic conclusions with the cause and recommended corrections.
3. Emissions failures, drivability diagnosis, computer and electronic controls system analysis.
4. Must maintain ASE Master Tech and L1 Certifications
5. Advanced personal diagnostic tools and equipment.
6. Must accomplish a monthly efficiency of at least 100% in this skill level.
1. Must possess and display all of Level C criteria.
2. Experienced automotive repair skills, general line mechanic, necessary diagnostic skills, and use of basic diagnostic equipment and tools.
3. Knowledge and experience in common automotive repair. Water pumps, AC compressors, Alternators, Starters, Brakes Steering and Suspension repair and replacement.
4. Must maintain five ASE Tech Certification.
5. Must use and document a logical cause and effect method for recommending repairs.
6. Personal diagnostic tools and equipment necessary to perform functions of this skill level.
7. Must accomplish a monthly efficiency of at least 100% in this skill level.
1. Basic automotive skills, use of hand tools
2. Basic parts replacement: batteries, cables, spark plugs, filters, simple water pumps, brake pad or shoe replacement, chassis lube, oil change, as examples of skill needed.
3. Personal diagnostic tools and equipment necessary to perform functions of this skill level.
Must accomplish a monthly efficiency of at least 80% in this skill level.